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The digital replicas created through photogrammetry provide unprecedented freedom and precision to design the film sets and hyper realistic virtual environments for video games and VR/AR productions. The process of 3D scanning photogrammetry allows you to create virtual replicas of any object exposed to visible light or any recordable electromagnetic radiation such as infrared, multi-spectral or even x-rays.


You can scan pretty much any imaginable object from an organ tissue to a full planet. Thanks to photogrammetry and playing with the sense of scale, something as neglected as an old dry twig can be turned into an exciting virtual object that may find it’s way into a video game or as a film special effect. Thus we have made out of a dry twig a credible celestial body orbiting your favorite asteroid belt.

Here are some additional virtual clones we have developed for the art and entertainment sector.


1. Wedge rock. Found at the granite batholith in La Pedriza, Madrid, Spain. Use your mouse to interact with the 3D model below.

2. Graffiti. This animation shows how the digital twin (photogrammetry 3D model) of an abandoned building can be the perfect setting for a film noir or horror video-game scene. Such art work is extremely popular.

3. La Paseante de Malasaña. Human size urban statue. 

4. Old memory chest. Size: 310 x 218 x 200 mm.

5. Scrap yard wheel.

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